Jeremiah, Prophet to Judah

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who was king of Judah when Jeremiah was called as a prophet?
    (Josiah, Jer. 1:2)

  2. What did God tell Jeremiah to say about peoples’ hearts?
    (They are sick and trick us to sin, Jer. 17:9)

  3. What did King Jehoiakim do with the scroll Jeremiah and Baruch wrote?
    (burned it up bit by bit, Jer. 36:23)

  4. What are some ways our hearts are tricky?
    Guide kids to discuss the things like money, power, or fame that we may chase after. Help the kids see that those things cannot satisfy us and often lead us away from God. When we worship anything—even a good thing—besides God, it is sin. Only God deserves worship. Discuss the idea that sin isn’t just wanting or doing bad things, but also wanting or doing things in ways that don’t honor God’s plans.

  5. Why is the new covenant better?
    Guide kids to see that under the new covenant, God not only gives the commands to the people, but writes them on their hearts. Remind kids that under the new covenant, God promised not to remember our sin, but forgive it.

  6. When did the new covenant start?
    Guide kids to discuss the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as the beginning of the new covenant. Explain that Jesus’ perfect and complete sacrifice undid the curse of sin and made it so that believers no longer need to offer sacrifices for forgiveness. Explain how the Holy Spirit, who lives in the hearts of believers, helps us remember and obey God’s teachings.

Activity Pages:

Journal Page
Activity Page 1
Activity Page 2
Coloring Page

Amy Willers