Our History


Church of the Apostles began in the late fall of 2001, when a handful of people met in a living room to consider starting a new church in Fairfield, CT. For the next year and a half, a core team formed and weekly gatherings began.

The Lord blessed these early days. He gave us a love for worship, a desire to hear from the Bible, a heart for prayer, a call to mission, and reliance on the Holy Spirit. The reality of the Lord's presence deepened in us as we took this step of faith together.

In the summer of 2003, we held two open meetings. Over 50 people attended each meeting as we presented the vision for a new missionary church in the Anglican tradition, with a heart to boldly reach others in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. By summer's end, the core team knew it was time to start Sunday services.

That September, we began meeting at McKinley Elementary School in Fairfield and began a pastoral search process. In June 2004, we called Thaddeus Barnum to serve as Rector. In June 2016, Apostles called the Rev. Brian Murphy and his wife, Tamara, to serve as Rector. Church of the Apostles has met in four different locations since our founding in 2004—McKinley Elementary, Ludlow Middle School, Congregation Rodeph Shalom, a synagogue in Bridgeport, and our current location in Trumbull.

To follow Christ is to be a church that seeks to glorify Jesus Christ in loving his word, worship, mission, and people. It is to devote ourselves to His worship; His Word - holding fast to the Scriptures which remain wholly true; and His Mission of serving others in love and humility with acts of compassion and the good and saving news of Jesus Christ.

Two decades later, the vision of Apostles has continued to be driven by these same principles. We are an Anglican witness to the gospel — committed to the Word, prayer, discipleship, and missional outreach into our community. Our life together has been blessed and shaped by a growing and changing cast of deacons and priests, lay leaders, worship pastors, children’s and youth ministers. We continue to be grateful and expectant of God’s work in our life together, Trumbull, Fairfield County, and the world.