New Here?
What can I expect on Sunday?
We're easy to find — 6358 Main Street in Trumbull, CT. We meet at 10:00am. Click here for driving directions.
Our worship services adhere to an ancient rhythm that has been followed in the church since its earliest days. Specifically, we worship in the tradition of the Anglican Church. Our services include musical worship — combining ancient hymns and newer songs. There are responsive elements in the service, including moments of congregational response, singing, communion, and open times of prayer. Our services conclude by 11:45am.
Following the service, we have a time of fellowship and food inside or, weather permitting, outside by the entrance. These are great times to get to know people!
Dress of any kind is appropriate. We want people to come as they are comfortable, and not feel like they need to project a certain image for God or anyone else.
We are wheelchair accessible.
Please click here to find out more about our kids ministry during our worship services.
A few more details about the service itself
Our service is in two parts: the ministry of the word and the ministry of the table.
During the ministry of the word, we sing praises to God, hear from God's Word (through readings and a sermon), and respond by prayer, confessing our sins (in the form of a corporate prayer), and reciting our faith with ancient words (the Nicene or Apostles Creed).
The second half of our service comprises a celebration of the Lord’s Supper (also called Holy Communion, the Eucharist, or the Great Thanksgiving), a meal that Jesus instituted with his followers on the night before he was crucified. During this meal we recite the good news of God’s redemption in Jesus. This meal is a commemoration and celebration of what God has done for us in Jesus and a time of communing with God in a special way. The Lord’s Supper is for those who have been baptized and follow Jesus but we welcome all to observe this meal and to come forward at the appropriate time, if desired, for a brief prayer. Read here for more details about the Lord's Supper at Apostles.