Eucharist at Home

To Be a Christian, an Anglican Catechism, examines the importance of sharing Holy Communion together using the following questions and answers.


134. What benefits do you receive through partaking of this sacrament? As my body is nourished by the bread and wine, my soul is strengthened by the Body and Blood of Christ. I receive God’s forgiveness, and I am renewed in the love and unity of the Body of Christ, the Church. (1662 Catechism; Psalms 28:6–9; 104:14–15; Jeremiah 31:31–34; John 6:52–56; 17:22– 24; Revelation 19:6–9)

135. What is required of you when you come to receive Holy Communion? I am to examine myself: Do I truly repent of my sins and intend to lead a new life in Christ? Do I have a living faith in God’s mercy through Christ and remember his atoning death with a thankful heart? And have I shown love and forgiveness to all people? (Leviticus 10:1–5; Psalm 50; 1 Corinthians 11:27–32)

136. What is expected of you after partaking in Holy Communion? I should continue to grow in holiness, avoiding sin, showing love and forgiveness to all, and serving others in gratitude. (Leviticus 20:26; 1 Corinthians 10:14–32; 1 Peter 4:1–11)


Because the Eucharist is vital to the Body of Christ we are making every effort to receive this grace. As we gather online to worship God On Ascension Day (Thursday, May 21) and Pentecost Sunday, we will share communion together. Communion at home achieves several valued things:
• Each family and household can receive communion in the context of a shared, corporate worship service in their homes while participating in worship through our online services.
• We are following through with Anglican theology concerning the consecration of the Eucharist and the role of the priest in overseeing and consecrating communion. Brian consecrated the wine, which remains sealed, and wafers following the service last week.
• We are participating in a corporate liturgy and coming to the communion table as the Body of Christ in our homes. This will most likely be a unique and powerful moment in each home.
• We are unified in the Spirit and in taking the Sacrament even as we are practicing social distancing and sheltering in place.

There are a few things to consider and remember:
• These communion elements are to be used during our Ascension and Pentecost services being held online. We encourage you to make every effort to join us.
• These elements are not intended to be used for other purposes or at another time. If you are unable to join these services, let Jan know and we will give you instructions for how to use these elements differently.
• Before the service begins, place one wafer for each baptized member of the family on a clean plate.
• We will take communion together at a designated time in the service.
• Close the bag of wafers and store in a cool dry place For the next service.
• All remaining wafers should be consumed during the Pentecost service.