April 21, 2020


Dear Church of the Apostles,

Alleluia! Christ is risen!

Often times by this point in the Easter season we are surprised to still see the familiar greeting reminding us that we serve a risen Savior. We celebrate the resurrection for fifty days through worship, feasting, exploring God’s creation, and setting our imaginations on Jesus and the Kingdom. 

Here are a few ways that we will be practicing resurrection through mission, worship, and celebration this week.


Plan to attend the Bridgeport Rescue Mission’s Hearts of Hope online event tonight at 7:30 pm. Hear how God is at work and be generous in financially supporting our friends in mission to the Greater Bridgeport Area. 

Hear how Hands Offering Hope is meeting the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs in one of Mexico’s regions hardest hit by Covid-19. Join the Zoom meeting this Thursday. 

This Saturday we were supposed to help host the Friendship Dinner with our partners, Bridges International, at the University of Bridgeport. Of course, we are unable to gather together. However, use this prayer guide to take a prayer drive around the campus sometime this week. 

Worship and Prayer:

This Sunday, April 26, we will be sharing Eucharist in the parking lot of our church building following the service. Join us on Facebook at 10 am for the service then drive to the church building and receive communion. Please read all of the details here and notice that we have made a few updates including where to enter and exit. 

Join us this Wednesday at 7:30 pm on Zoom as we ask the question, “How is God inviting us to rest during this time?” Tamara will lead us in a contemplative Scriptural exercise. I will lead us in a a short conversation. And we will conclude by breaking into small groups for prayer. The information to log onto Zoom for the gathering will be sent via email tomorrow.  


Use this Practice Resurrection Guidebook to engage with the full fifty days of Easter. Take some pictures as you celebrate and send them to info@apostlesct.org

The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Peace and Hope,


Amy Willers