Rest and refreshment come as we lay aside the hustle and bustle of the world around us for a time of quietness and calm. This is always vital to the Christian life but perhaps never more important than this year.
“In a noise-polluted world, it is even difficult to hear ourselves think let alone try to be still and know God. Yet it seems essential for our spiritual life to seek some silence, no matter how busy we may be. Silence is not to be shunned as empty space, but to be befriended as fertile ground for intimacy with God.” (Susan Muto)
Quiet Days are a rich part of our Anglican heritage and provide us with an opportunity to disengage together from the busyness of our lives and re-center in God's presence through Scripture, liturgy, and art.
Our Advent Quiet Day will take place on Saturday, December 3, 9:00 AM – 12:30 pm. Turn off the TV, light some candles, and find a comfortable place. Use the enclosed materials, simple reflections from Advent devotionals, Scripture, and resources found on the Apostles website ( to guide your morning.
Details to come.