
This summer, we are going to start a series of service/fundraising projects for Apostles’ Kids and Youth to participate in, with all proceeds going to #water4stha. We have a goal to raise $1,000, which will go towards bringing fresh water to a family/community in Zimbabwe (see below for details). 

First of all, save the date for a Kids’ Night Out (parents date night!) on July 22 from 5:30-9pm. You can pay what you would for a babysitter and anything we earn will go directly to our $1k goal! And feel free to invite any friends! Please RSVP to Amy Willers by July 20 so we can ensure we have enough food and help.


Secondly, we are encouraging each family to have a lemonade stand at some point this summer (we will provide lawn signs). We will use our access to fresh water to help others to get access to their own. If we all do this in each of our communities, we can raise quite a bit towards our goal! (see flyer below)

Finally, Apostles Kids’ (Youth are invited, too) will have an arts and crafts show at the church picnic on August 27. Please encourage your children to be working on their arts and/or crafts to bring and sell on that date!